
Why Are Canadians So Upset About The Abuse, Neglect And Deaths In Our Long Term Care Homes? ©

By Karen Henderson They are coming out of the woodwork—politicians, ex-politicians, lawyers, doctors, academics, citizens—exclaiming, even raging about the deplorable conditions now exposed in our care homes. Let’s back up. Twenty years ago, my father lived in a care home; since I could not be there for hours every day, I was forced to hire private caregivers to ensure my father was fed, bathed and [...]

Why Are Canadians So Upset About The Abuse, Neglect And Deaths In Our Long Term Care Homes? ©2020-05-13T23:26:35+00:00

Why I Participate In Geriatric (Aging) Research

Since I began my work in aging, eldercare and long term care planning over 20 years ago, I have signed up as a healthy control for countless geriatric research studies, including those concerned with: OTC medications such as glucosamine and their effect on knee arthritis and other conditions Bone structure, muscle and tendons of the ankle in relationship to diagnosis and prevention of fractures Walking while [...]

Why I Participate In Geriatric (Aging) Research2020-01-04T18:02:49+00:00

What Is The Difference Between A Retirement Home And A Long Term Care (Nursing) Home?

What Is The Difference Between A Retirement Home And A Long Term Care (Nursing) Home?© By Karen Henderson Founder, Long term Care Planning network Many Ontarians do not understand the difference between a retirement home and a long term care home; the media often muddies the water even more when they incorrectly refer to the accommodation rates for these two living options.Firstly, retirement homes provide privately [...]

What Is The Difference Between A Retirement Home And A Long Term Care (Nursing) Home?2020-01-04T17:44:31+00:00

How To Choose A Retirement Home

How To Choose A Retirement Home© By Karen Henderson Founder, Long Term Care Planning Network There are over 750 licensed retirement homes and communities in Ontario, and many new ones are under construction. They are ideal for older persons in relatively good health, who cannot or do not want to remain in their own homes. Deciding to move from one’s home of perhaps many years to [...]

How To Choose A Retirement Home2020-01-04T17:44:31+00:00

Caregiving in the Workplace: Implications and Solutions for Employees and Employers

More than six million Canadians, or about 35% of the workforce, are balancing work and caregiving responsibilities. Employees should learn to plan, document, communicate and advocate, and employers can take low-cost and no-cost steps to support caregivers and potentially boost productivity at the office. Nobody thinks they will become a family caregiver. One day they are a daughter or son, occasionally helping out parents or other loved ones. Seemingly overnight they can become a [...]

Caregiving in the Workplace: Implications and Solutions for Employees and Employers2020-04-15T21:42:58+00:00

Summer 2017 News & Views

Elder Care Takes a Village – Meet Silver Sherpa! As you may know, I’m an expert in long term care planning, but many of my clients also want need help in carrying out the plan or coping with unexpected emergencies. As we all know, elder care is a maze, so it’s very important to have a team who understands it at your side. Therefore I’m excited [...]

Summer 2017 News & Views2020-01-04T17:48:59+00:00

Fall 2016 News & Views

Karen is now available…In a manner of speaking… :) As you may know, my expertise is in the areas of aging, eldercare and long term care planning—undeniable issues as our population ages. Not only am I an accomplished speaker, writer and course developer for these topics, but I am also an educator and coach for professional advisors and their clients. I am a Living Benefits professional. [...]

Fall 2016 News & Views2016-09-19T20:11:43+00:00

Dementia/Alzheimer’s update

As you may know, the subject of dementia is invariably included in the presentations I make …for very good reason. Of the leading causes of death, Alzheimer’s disease is the only one for which there is no way to prevent it, cure it or slow its progression. Right now in Canada a new case of Alzheimer’s disease is diagnosed every 5 minutes; by 2031 a new [...]

Dementia/Alzheimer’s update2015-07-18T22:40:39+00:00


Police are warning the public about a Revenue Canada phone scam A financial advisor I know here in Toronto almost fell victim to this scam. According to police, there have been reports of people receiving calls from a man claiming to be an employee of the CRA. The man tells the person that they owe money to the government and then demands personal information. One woman [...]

FRAUD ALERT2015-07-18T22:41:38+00:00

Canadian seniors, debt and long term care planning

A study conducted by bankruptcy trustee Hoyes, Michalos & Associates has found that Canadians age 60 and over hold, on average, total unsecured debts of more than $69,000, and almost half of that debt is credit card debt. Seniors also have the highest amount of payday loans of all demographic groups, owing an average of $3,693. […]

Canadian seniors, debt and long term care planning2015-07-18T22:41:54+00:00

Canadians Are Substituting Talk For Action

A new survey by Edward Jones reveals that while Canadians say they value the financial well-being of their families and their own quality of life in old age, many are not investing in key forms of protection to safeguard these assets. While almost two thirds (64 per cent) say they have purchased life insurance, other important forms of protection, including disability (23 per cent), critical illness [...]

Canadians Are Substituting Talk For Action2015-07-18T22:43:35+00:00
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